Flexible like you every day

We make payments and money transfers faster and easy to track.
Save time, fees and take control over your daily finance with phyre.

Get phyre!
Get phyre

How phyre was born?


The idea of phyre was born back in 2015. A banal everyday event with a forgotten wallet and a lack of cash crystallised in time - we set a goal to make space in our wallets (why not completely get rid of them) by transforming all the cards that we own in virtual ones.

After a lot of hard work, energy, small failures, big victories and great lessons learned along the way, in 2018 we got to the phyre version you are currently using. This was the tipping point when our smartphones turned into the better wallets.

At the beginning of 2019, phyre is already actively being used by tens of thousands of people, and we strive to be flexible and grow the service according to your financial needs.

Our values

Among the best

good enough is not an option

Honest and caring

to our customers and every team member

Proud and humble

a team of quiet achievers

Who are we?

The Founders

Konstantin Djelebov

The visionary leader and co-founder of phyre.
Previously serial tech entrepreneur and ex-bank IT, worked in Tech for 11 years.
As a CTO he co-founded the largest multi-retailer loyalty platform in Bulgaria.

Ivo Gueorguiev

Rooted in financial services.
Previously a senior banker with the EBRD.
Co-founded and built from scratch to 3 bn in assets TBIF - a group focused on retail financial business CEE. 

Valeri Valtchev

Serial entrepreneur and investor.
Previously an international lawyer with White & Case in Brussels and Washington D.C.
Founded 15 ventures across 9 sectors. Builds businesses that last and take the market lead.

Niya Spasova
Head of Design
Svetozar Ivanov
Software Architect
Valentin Ivanov
Partner Success Manager
Angel Todorov
Chief Аnalyst
Konstantin Zhlebinkov
QA Еngineer
Iveta Ivanova
Senior DEV

Our partners

To deliver the highest security level of our digital wallet we have built key partnerships with some of the best and well known companies in the financial industry.

Most probably you have or once had a card with a red-orange logo. There is no need to explain who they are. It is a huge privilege for us to partner with one of the leading payment processing networks in the world.

EU licensed e-money institution principal member of VISA and Mastercard. Paynetics provides the platform that executes all payment related transactions in phyre. The company is built by professionals with a strong portfolio and expertise in the financial field.

An investor in phyre is New Vision 3 Fund, which is co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme for Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020 managed by the Fund of Funds in Bulgaria

📜 Notice
To users who have become clients in the period 2018 – 2020 using phyre payment services.
Learn more