Check your credit limit with no fees and commitments! Apply for up to 4000 BGN at any time from phyre and PB Personal Finance. The whole process of checking the limit, applying for a credit, signing documents, absorbing and paying the installments is directly from your phone.
Purchase an electronic vignette for a weekend, a week, a month or a year in minutes in a few easy steps directly from your phone.
Don't wait at counters and in queues and pay for your electricity, water and telecom bills conveniently and in just a minute with phyre, wherever you are.
Get a free personal IBAN
At any contactless POS terminal or online. You only need a phone.
Send money to friends instantly within the phyre network. Select a friend from your contact list and send money whenever, wherever, fee free.
Easily send transfers to IBAN worldwide. You will just need your mobile.
Add your loyalty cards to phyre and use them just from your phone. Leave the plastics at home.
Shop securely with a free virtual card. Pay contactless anywhere and withdraw cash with a physical phyre Mastercard. Manage your cards with just your phone
Get free and instant notifications for each transaction made with phyre. All of your spending is separated into categories that help optimising your budget.
Any time and with no fees into your bank account.
We are there for you. Just drop us a line in the chat window or at